Javascript Jquery Training

Javascript Jquery Training in Bangalore

DSM Infotech is a training institute located in Bangalore that provides JavaScript and jQuery training. JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language that is widely used for developing interactive and dynamic web applications. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, and animation.

The JavaScript and jQuery training course offered by DSM Infotech covers topics such as JavaScript basics, variables, operators, control structures, functions, objects, arrays, and more. The objective of the training is to help students understand the concepts and principles of JavaScript and jQuery and develop the skills needed to create dynamic and interactive web applications. The course is designed for individuals who want to specialize in JavaScript and jQuery and improve their web development skills.

During the course, students will learn about the various components of JavaScript and jQuery, such as variables, operators, control structures, functions, objects, arrays, and more. They will also learn how to apply these components to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of JavaScript and jQuery, and students will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects to apply what they have learned.

By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript and jQuery and will be able to create dynamic and interactive web applications. DSM Infotech’s experienced trainers, well-equipped lab facilities, and flexible training schedule make it an ideal choice for individuals looking to specialize in JavaScript and jQuery.

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Javascript Jquery Course Syllabus

The Background
  • The mobile space today
  • Advantages
  • Challenges
  • Native vs. web, is really a question?
  • What is JQM?
  • What is not jQM?
  • What is a webapp?
  • Why jQM?
  • Features
  • Compatibility
  • Requirements
HTML5 basics
  • HTML5 in a small nutshell
  • Why HTML5?
  • What do we need to know about HTML5 for jQM
  • Basic template
  • Testing HTML5 documents
  • Emulators, Simulators & more
  • Viewports on mobile browsers
  • Custom data-* attributes
The framework
  • Architecture
  • Self hosted vs. CDNs
  • Main template
  • CDNs available
  • Main template
  • Support on IDEs
  • Roles
  • Theming
The page
  • Headers and footers basics
  • Mandatory items in a page
  • Working with HTML in the content
  • Navigation
  • Internal page navigation
  • External page navigation
  • Understanding AJAX on mobile browsers
  • Absolute external links
  • Mobile Special links
  • Transitions
  • Dialogs
  • Prefetching
  • Integration with the Phone
UI Components
  • Customizing toolbars
  • Positioning toolbars
  • Navigation Bars
  • Persistent footers and navigation
  • Collapsible content
  • Acoordions
  • Working with columns
  • Creating buttons
  • Inline buttons
  • Grouped buttons
  • Icons
  • Custom icons
  • Creating lists
  • Full-page vs inset-lists
  • Visual separators
  • Nested lists
  • Interactive rows
  • Split button rows
  • Row icons
  • Thumbnails
  • Count bubbles
  • Aside content
  • Title and Description
  • Filtering data
  • AJAX vs. non-AJAX forms
  • Automatic form behaviour
  • Labeling
  • Field containers
  • Text fields
  • Slider
  • Slider switch
  • Select menus
  • UI Select menus
  • Radio Buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • File Upload
  • Validation using HTML5
The framework and JavaScript
  • Using jQuery inside jQuery Mobile
  • $.mobile element
  • The mobileinit event
  • Configuring defaults
  • Touch events
  • Orientation events
  • Scroll events
  • Page events
  • Virtual mouse events
  • Managing navigation through JavaScript
Dynamic data with jQuery Mobile
  • HTML5 vs AJAX
  • Bringing JSON data to jQuery Mobile
  • Updating form controls
  • Updating lists
  • Implementing Infinite list pattern
Extending the framework
  • Using plugins
  • The top 5 plugins for jQuery Mobile
  • Creating our own plugin
  • Plugin architecture
  • Understanding CSS architecture
  • Define our own CSS patch
  • Changing CSS behavior
Managing data with HTML5
  • Using Web Storage and WebSQL
  • Using geolocation
Packaging for installation and stores
  • The offline manifest
  • Full-screen webapps for iOS
  • What is a hybrid
  • PhoneGap vs other alternatives
  • Packaging a sample application