J2EE Training

Java Frameworks Course Syllabus

Introduction to Java Frameworks
  • Introduction
  • The MVC Design Pattern
  • System State and Business Logic
  • JSP Pages and Presentation
  • Components
  • ActionServlet and ActionMapping
  • Struts Control Flow
  • Building Model Components
  • ActionForm Beans
  • Forms and FormBean Interactions
  • Automatic Form Validation
  • Building Controller Components
  • The ActionServlet
  • ActionForm Classes & Action Classes
  • The ActionMapping Implementation
  • The Struts Configuration File
  • Controller Configuration
  • Module Configuration Files
  • Add Struts Components To Your Application
  • Logging in Struts Applications
  • Introduction to O-R Mapping
  • Hibernate Basics, Object Identifier
  • One-to-One Association
  • One-to-Many Association
  • Many-to-One Association
  • Many-to-Many Association
  • Collection Mapping
  • Component Mapping
  • Inheritance Mapping
  • Hibernate Query Language
  • Hibernate in Web Application
Java Server Faces
  • Introduction to JSF
  • JSF Features
  • JSF for Web Application
  • JSF components
  • JSF Tags, Life Cycle & Architecture
  • JSF Renderers
  • JSF HTML Tag Reference
  • JSF Core Tag Reference
  • JSF Facelet Tag Reference
  • JSF Navigation, JSF with Ajax
  • Spring Core
  • Dependency Injuction
  • Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Major concepts in Spring
  • Spring Architecture
  • Installation Procedure
  • Spring in Web Application
  • Bean descriptor
  • Spring and Struts
  • Spring data access
  • Spring using Hibernate
Enterprise Beans
  • What Is an Enterprise Bean?
  • What Is a Session Bean?
  • What Is an Entity Bean?
  • What Is a Message-Driven Bean?
  • Client Access to Interfaces
  • The Contents of an Enterprise Bean
  • Naming Conventions for Enterprise Beans
  • The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
Bean Managed Persistence
  • Entity Bean Class
  • Home Interface
  • Remote Interface
  • Mapping Table Relationships for BMP
  • One-to-One Relationships
  • One-to-Many Relationships
  • Many-to-Many Relationships
  • Primary Keys for BMP
Session Bean
  • Session Bean Class
  • Home Interface
  • Remote Interface
  • Helper Classes
  • Creating the Application
  • Stateless Session Bean
  • Implementation Class
Container Managed Persistence
  • Method Invocations
  • Building and Running
  • Creating the Database Tables
  • Creating the Data Source
  • Capturing the Table Schema
  • Building the Enterprise Beans
  • Primary Keys for CMP
  • Finder and Selector Methods
Message Driven Bean
  • The Application Client
  • The Message-Driven Bean Class
  • The onMessage Method
  • The ejbCreate and EJB
  • Remove Methods
  • Advanced Enterprise Beans
  • EJB: Query Language
  • Simplified Syntax
  • Simple Finder Queries
  • Navigate to Related Beans
  • Other Conditional Expressions
  • Select Queries
  • BNF Symbols
  • BNF Grammar of EJB QL
  • FROM Clause
  • Path Expressions
  • WHERE Clause
  • SELECT Clause
  • ORDER BY Clause
Java Message Service API
  • Overview
  • What Is Messaging?
  • When Can You Use the JMS API?
  • Basic JMS API Concepts
  • JMS API Architecture
  • The JMS API Programming Model
  • Administered Objects
  • Connections
  • Sessions
  • Message Producers
  • Message Consumers
  • Writing Simple JMS Client Applications
Junit framework
  • What is Junit
  • About @Before, @After, @Test
  • How to write test cases
  • Various types of assertions
  • How to assert exceptions
Logging framework
  • Benefits of Logging framework over Console O/P
  • Available logging frameworks
  • Log4j Vs Slf4j
  • Levels of logging
  • Manage Logger configuration through log4j.XML / logback.xml