DataStage Training

DataStage Training in Bangalore

Dsm Infotech located in Marathahalli, Bangalore is a leading DataStage training institute providing real-time and placement focused Training Courses in Bangalore. Our DataStage Training Centre in Bangalore is well equipped with modern lab facilities and digital class rooms that provide our students an excellent atmosphere to learn. Our DataStage Training course content/syllabus is designed keeping in mind the industry needs and current market scenario which empowers our students to be skilled professionals and job ready after successful completion of the course.
We at Dsm Infotech give utmost importance to our students and recruit only experienced trainers with a minimum of 5-10 Years of hands on expertise on DataStage skills and knowledge. Our SAP Certified Trainers have in-depth subject knowledge, project implementation experience and proficient teaching skills thus can reshape the students to excel in this competitive IT Industry.
DataStage is an ETL tool and part of the IBM Information Platforms Solutions suite. It used to integrates data across multiple systems using a high performance parallel framework, and it supports extended metadata management and enterprise connectivity. DataStage enables you to directly access big data on a distributed file system and it helps improve speed, flexibility and effectiveness to manage your data integration infrastructure.
Our Training will give you great understanding on DataStage. We start with the breif introduction to data stage, Server Jobs and Parallel Jobs, Configuration File and Package Installer. Then we will move to the more advanced topics such as Data Stage Administrator, Data stage director, Designer, Processing stages, Debugging, Manager and Container. We will provide extensive support for your career and you should be on your way to becoming proficient in DataStage. 

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DataStage Course Syllabus

  • Introduction about Data Stage
  • Difference between Server Jobs and Parallel Jobs
  • Difference between Pipeline Parallelisms
  • Partition techniques (Round Robin, Random, Hash, Entire, Same, Modules,Range,DB2,Auto)
  • Configuration File
  • Difference between SMP/MPD architecture
  • Data Stage Components (Server components/Client Components)
  • Package Installer
Data Stage Administrator
  • Creating project, Editing project and Deleting project
  • Permissions to user
  • .Apt Config file
  • Environment variable creation, permission
Data stage director
  • Introduction to Data stage Director
  • Job status View
  • View logs
  • Scheduling
  • Batches Creation
  • Introduction about Designer
  • Repository
  • Palatte
  • Types of Links
  • File Stages
  • Sequential File
  • Data set File
  • Lookup file set
  • Difference between Sequential file/Dataset/File set
  • Database stages
  • Dynamic RDBMS
  • Oracle Enterprise
  • ODBC Enterprise
  • Stored Procedure
Processing stages
  • Change Capture (Caption)
  • Compare stage
  • Difference Stage
  • Aggregate Stage
  • Transformer Stage
  • Surrogate Generator Stage
  • Join Generator Stage
  • Merge Generator Stage
  • Lookup Generator Stage
  • Difference between join/Lookup/Merge
  • Difference between join/Lookup
  • Remove Duplicates
  • Switch
  • Pivot
  • Modify
  • Funnel
Debugging stage
  • Head
  • Tail
  • Pea
  • Row Generator
  • Column Generator
  • Sample
  • Job Parameters
  • Introduction About Data stage Manager
  • Importing the Job
  • Exporting the Job
  • Importing Table Definition
  • Importing Flat File Definition
  • Routines
  • Difference between Local Container and Shared Container
  • Local Container